Why Website Speed Matters

April 13, 2020 , ,

In this day and age your audiences have short attention spans. They want to be in and out as quickly as they can so they can move onto the next thing. Your website is no different and should cater for this to ensure that it’s returning maximum potential. Here is what you should be thinking of when wondering why the speed of your website is an important factor.

What benefits you’ll get

Improved Rankings
Quicker sites receive a better ranking, which in turn results in your website being easier to find.

Enhanced User Experience
Allowing your audiences to have a positive experience using your website is helped when the content is loaded quicker, meaning less time waiting around and more time looking at your products and services.

Reduced Bounce Rate
Increasing your load times as previously mentioned will result in less waiting and leaving. Research proves that users who have to wait longer than 5 seconds for a website to load are 90% more likely to leave.

Increased Conversions
With the chance of people leaving your site if it doesn’t load quick enough, this will directly affect your conversions, your sales will be hindered, people and businesses will not contact you. Ensuring your website loads quick enough will avoid all of this scenarios and allow you to excel online.

How to check website speed

There are many free and paid tools out there – Our budget friendly favourite remains the Google Insight tool . You can check your website here – https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

How to improve website speed

There are many tasks that can be completed to improve you website speed, these include, but are not limited to; Compressing your files, reduce redirects, detect and fix any 404 issues, leverage browser caching, minimise your HTML, CSS & JavaScript files, optimise images and choose a fast hosting server.

How quickly can you expect results

Instantly, as our improvements reduce loading times – All users from then on in will benefit.

If you feel like your website could benefit from one of our audits, please get in touch – info@clabacreative.co.uk or use our contact page.


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