What is an Online Presence?

November 26, 2019

Having an online presence is not just about having a website. It goes far beyond that one area of the web, and dives into all the places you can be seen (or not be seen) throughout the internet.

Social Media

The way you present yourself on your social media channels impacts how you are viewed online. Having a weak presence on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin or Pinterest will give the impression that you are not contactable through these means – and missing out on instant communication with your followers & connections.

SEO Rankings (Keywords)

Being found on the web can be quite difficult – so showing up under the specific key terms that your audiences are using helps distribute your presence online. Because technically, if you can’t be found when somebody wants to find you – do you exist?

PPC Adverts

Whether this is through Google Ads or your social media platforms. Extending your presence to people who don’t already know about you is a great way of capturing leads and getting individuals informed of what you offer. Therefore building your presence further to new audiences.

Email Marketing

How you communicate with your audiences through you email blasts allows them to consume information in a different way, and allows you to inform the customers that prefer this, or shy away from social media platforms.


And of course, finally, the one that everybody thinks about. Having a strong website, showcasing your business and allowing your audiences to see what you do tops the cake. We firmly believe that website is truly the most important area of having an online presence. As longs as it helps your goals set in your marketing plan. It has to have a purpose.

As you can see, there is a fair amount to think about about and covering all these areas can be quite overwhelming to maintain and make decisions that will best benefit your business, which is why we exist. Say hello and let’s discuss your future options – hello@clabacreative.co.uk


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