Lockdown 2.0 – Review Your Online Presence

November 3, 2020 ,

With the second lockdown happening in the U.K, we recommend using this time to refresh your online presence. Here is our advice on what to look to improve over the course of the next 4 weeks.

Update your search engine profiles

Google introduced Covid-19 information on Google MyBusiness profiles during the first lockdown, allowing you to update temporary information in regards to how your business is practising during the early stages of the Pandemic. Other search engines followed suit to allow you to ensure all your online audiences are updated. Check out more on their support page.

Think about your social media

Social media is the quickest way to give your followers current information about your business. Make sure you opening times are up to date, your header image reflects your business well and join the conversations that are happening everyday in regards to your business industry, or how people are coping in lockdown. Make sure to stay inline with your standard tone of voice when presenting on social. Remember, you are representing a business and should act in that way. Check out our blog post about using social media for PR.

Organise your email marketing

Get communicating with your online audiences. Sending emails at a consistent rate with informed information on updates of what you are up to over lockdown. Aim to give your audience some sort of value such as telling them about what you plan to do when you re-open, if you’re working on new products or if you’re introducing any new services.

Review your website

Does your website do what you want it to? Are you selling your products through your site? Are they selling well? Are you looking for more users to sign up? Is there a reason why you don’t have more users? Set a criteria of  what you deem succesful and compare how your website hits it. We have many blog posts for you to read to gain insight on how to improve your website.

How a membership site could transform your business
Why website speed matters
How to improve your online presence
The importance of web forms



As with the first lockdown, we’ll still be here and ready to work. If you need any assistance or have a project in mind to improve your online presence, get in touch by emailing us info@clabacreative.co.uk, or request a quote through our website.


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